Quadrat Sampling: Application with Advantages and Disadvantages

Quadrat sampling is a classic tool for the study of ecology, especially biodiversity. It is an important method by which organisms in a certain proportion (sample) of the habitat are counted directly.  It is used to estimate population abundance (number), density, frequency and distributions. The quadrat method has been widely used in plant studies. A … Read more

Purposive sampling: Definition, application, advantages and disadvantages

purposive sampling

Purposive sampling also knows as judgmental, selective, or subjective sampling, reflects group of  sampling techniques that rely on the judgment of the researcher. This sampling procedure is always prefer the choice of the researcher. Judgmental sampling is completely opposite of probability sampling such as simple random sampling, stratified sampling, systematic sampling, cluster sampling, multi-stage sampling. So … Read more

Quota sampling: Difition, application, advantages and disadvantages

quota sampling

Quota sampling is a non-probability sampling technique where in the assembled sample has the same proportions of individuals as the entire population with respect to known characteristics, traits, or focused phenomenon. This sampling procedure is completely opposite to probability sampling.   Example of Quota sampling Suppose that you are required to conduct a survey regarding … Read more

Convenience Sampling: Definition, application, advantages and disadvantages

convenience sampling

Convenience Sampling is a special kind of Non-Probability sampling, where sample will be choose randomly from population and there have also unrestricted term. For example, standing at a mall or a grocery store and asking people to answer questions would be an example of a convenience sample. There are no other criteria to the sampling method. But … Read more

Snowball sampling: Definition, application , advantages and disadvantages

snowball sampling

Snowball sampling is an important non-probability sampling where a chain referrel exist. A researcher first select a respondent to collect data then this respondent refers one or more respondent and in this chain everyone refer one or more respondent until the requirements of the researcher fulfilled. Snowball sampling Snowball sampling is a chain referral sampling. … Read more

Cluster sampling: Definition, application, advantages and disadvantages

cluster sampling

Cluster sampling is defined as a sampling method where multiple clusters of people are created from a population where they are indicative of homogenous characteristics and have an equal chance of being a part of the sample. In this sampling method, a simple random sample is created from the different clusters in the population. This … Read more

Multistage sampling: Definition, real life example, advantages and disadvantages.

multi-stage sampling

Multistage sampling is a sampling method where the population divides into groups or clusters. It is a special case of cluster sampling, sometimes which known as multistage cluster sampling. In this sampling method, significant clusters of the selected people are divided into sub-groups at various stages to make it simpler for primary data collection. If … Read more

Systematic sampling: Definition, applications with advantages and disadvantages

systematic random sampling

In systematic sampling (also called systematic random sampling) every Nth member of population is selected to be included in the study. It is a probability sampling method. It has been stated that “with systematic sampling, every Kth item is selected to produce a sample of size n from a population size of N”. It requires an approximated frame … Read more

Stratified sampling: Definition, Allocation rules with advantages and disadvantages

stratified sampling

Stratified sampling is a sampling plan in which we divide the population into several non overlapping strata and select a random sample from each stratum in such a way that units within the strata are homogeneous but between strata they are heterogeneous. Stratum is a group of elements where all the units of elements “within … Read more

Simple Random Sampling: Definition,Application, Advantages and Disadvantages

simple random sampling

Simple random sampling is considered the easiest and most popular method of probability sampling. To perform simple random sampling, all a researcher must do is ensure that all members of the population are included in a master list, and that subjects are then selected randomly from this master list. While simple random sampling creates samples that … Read more

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