Data Cleaning and Editing using Stata

data cleaning and editing using stata

We’ll be learning about data cleaning and editing in this session. Data cleaning is a process that checks to see if your variables’ values are valid. We do data coding in order to make data (participants’ responses) more manageable, in a numeric format that statistical software like Stata, SPSS, or Excel can understand, allowing you … Read more

Multiple Regression Analysis Using Stata

Multiple regression in stata

We’re learning how to perform multiple regression analysis using stata this session. Regression is a prominent statistical technique for predicting a single outcome variable (continuous variable) from a set of independent factors (continuous as well as binary variables). For example, you may use gender (binary), family income, age, parental education, and self-efficacy to predict pupils’ … Read more

How to Analyse Data using Stata: An Introduction


Data utilization has become a day-to-day business essential in today’s digital world, whether in public or private enterprises. Whatever sector or field you work in, you will always come across data, either indirectly as someone who relies on data-driven decisions or directly as someone who interprets it. In this session, we discuss the introduction part … Read more

How to find association between two variables using spss| Chi-square association test

chi-square association test

Chi-square association test is one of the most popular association test by which we can find the association between two variables. Spss is a simple data analytics tool by which we can easily perform the chi-square test. Procedure To find the association between two random variables we have to follow the following procedure-   Input … Read more

How to find correlation using spss| Correlation analysis

correlation analysis using spss

Correlation Analysis using SPSS To find the correlation between two variables we have to follow the following procedure- Input your data on SPSS Select the two required variable Go to: Analyze→ correlate →Bivariates. Insert the required variabe in the variable box. Select “pearson”from the correlation coefficient box. Also select one tailed or two tailed from … Read more

Univariate analysis in SPSS: SPSS tutorials

Univariate analysis is one of the most fundamental statistical methods used to analyze a single variable. It is an essential technique for summarizing and understanding the distribution, central tendency, and variability of data. With powerful tools like SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences), performing univariate analysis has become more accessible and efficient. In this … Read more

Bivariate analysis in spss: Chi-square test for association

Bivariate analysis Bivariate analysis is the analysis of two variable and find their association. For bivariate analysis we mainly use crosstabs and to show the association we use chi-square test. in chi-square table, we interpret the p-values. P-values interpretation is following- A small p-value (typically ≤ 0.05) indicates strong evidence against the null hypothesis, so we … Read more

Variable transformation in spss

Variable transformation in spss At first we have to go the “Menu bar” and click on-        “Transform”→”Record into different variable or Record into same variable” [Note:  If we select “Record into different variable” , there create a new categorical variable. If we select “Record into same variable”, the new variable replace old variable. so , “Record … Read more

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