Bernoulli Distribution: Definition, example, properties and applications

bernoulli distribution

Bernoulli distribution is distribution where two possible outcome exists, probability of success “p” and probability of failure “q=1-p”. This outcome is known as Bernoulli trial.   Most of the discrete distribution are related with Bernoulli trials. An experiment is called Bernoulli trial if it has two possible outcomes namely success and failure. The probability of … Read more

Binomial Distribution: Definition, Density function, properties and application

binomial distribution

Binomial distribution is a special case of Bernoulli distribution where the number of trial is up to n times instead of two times ( probability of success “p” and probability of failure “q”).       Binomial distribution was discovered by James Bernoulli (1654-1705) in the year 1700 qnd was first published posthumously in 1713, … Read more

Normal distribution: Definition, pdf, properties with applications

normal distribution

One of the most important tools in statistics is the normal distribution. It aids in determining specific data features and also serves as a foundation for employing other statistical techniques for decision-making. As a result, in this article, we look at the Normal distribution and its application in real life. In probability, normal distribution is … Read more

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