Variable transformation, Recoding variables using spss

Variable transformation using spss is procedure to convert a variable into anathoer type variable. This procedure is mainly used for creating categorical variable from a continuous variable.

What do we mean by categorize variables?

A random variable which contains categorical data such as “low”, “medium”, “high” (three category) is called categorical variable. The procedure of creating a new variable from numeric variable which contains categorical data.
Categorical data indicates the group data.

Variable transformation using spss

  1. At first we have to go the “Menu bar” and click on-
    “Transform”→”Record into different variable or Record into same variable”
  • If we select “Record into different variable” , there create a new categorical variable.
  • If we select “Record into same variable”, the new variable replace old variable.

so , “Record into different variable” is more useful because there exist the old and new both variable and our original data exist  in the old variable.]

2. Then there opened a new box named “Record into different variable” and we have to double click on our target variable which we want to categorize. Then set a new name and label in the “Name” & “Label” box and click on “change” .
Now we have to click on the “Old and new values”
variable transformation using spss
Go to transform
recode in different variable
Recode into different variable
old and new values
Old and new value selection
3. Now there open a new box named “Record into different variables: Old and new values” . By using that box we have to create our target category and click on “continue” and we have to remember the category.
adding new value
Adding new values
4. And Finally select “ok”
Now we have to go to the “variable view” and set the “decimals” 0 and click on “Values”. There open a new box named “Value labels” and we have to re-enter our categories and click on “ok”.
adding value lebel
Adding value labels

Variable transfomation using spss (result)

5. Finally we can see our categorize variable.
Variable view:
variable transformation using spss
variable view
Data view:
variable transformation using spss
data view with new variable

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