Variable transformation using spss is procedure to convert a variable into anathoer type variable. This procedure is mainly used for creating categorical variable from a continuous variable.
What do we mean by categorize variables?
A random variable which contains categorical data such as “low”, “medium”, “high” (three category) is called categorical variable. The procedure of creating a new variable from numeric variable which contains categorical data.
Categorical data indicates the group data.
Variable transformation using spss
Categorical data indicates the group data.
Variable transformation using spss
- At first we have to go the “Menu bar” and click on-
“Transform”→”Record into different variable or Record into same variable”
- If we select “Record into different variable” , there create a new categorical variable.
- If we select “Record into same variable”, the new variable replace old variable.
so , “Record into different variable” is more useful because there exist the old and new both variable and our original data exist in the old variable.]
2. Then there opened a new box named “Record into different variable” and we have to double click on our target variable which we want to categorize. Then set a new name and label in the “Name” & “Label” box and click on “change” .
Now we have to click on the “Old and new values”
Go to transform |
Recode into different variable |
Old and new value selection |
3. Now there open a new box named “Record into different variables: Old and new values” . By using that box we have to create our target category and click on “continue” and we have to remember the category.
Adding new values |
4. And Finally select “ok”
Now we have to go to the “variable view” and set the “decimals” 0 and click on “Values”. There open a new box named “Value labels” and we have to re-enter our categories and click on “ok”.
Adding value labels |
Variable transfomation using spss (result)
5. Finally we can see our categorize variable.
Variable view:
variable view |
Data view:
data view with new variable |
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