How to combine two data set using add variable in SPSS (data analysis part-6)

Generally, we may have two or more data set to analyze. It is time consuming and difficult to manage all data set. For this reason we need to combine the data set. We combine data sets using SPSS. SPSS is a simple data analytics tool.

Merge or combine data sets using SPSS (Add variables)

Add variables means merge or combing two data set where the variables are totally different from each other data set. we have to combine the variables of two data set.

Note: If there exist same variables in two data , one will be excluded after merge.
          And also, the length of the data or size of the data in two data set must be same.

Suppose, we have a data set named “data set1” where the variables are “id”,”gender”,”age”,”gpa”.

and there exist data of 10 students.

spss data set
Data set 1

Again we have 2nd data set named “data set2” where the variables are “id”, “family_member” and there exist data of 10 students.

spss data set
Data set 2

Combining two data set using add variable

1. At first we have to go to menu bar and select 

               “Data”→”Merge file”→”Add variables”
2. Then there open a new box named “Add variables to data set1” and we have to select “An external spss data file” and click on “Browse” and select the second data set which we want to combine with “data set1″

adding data set in spss
Adding values


adding values in data set
Adding values 

3. After selecting the target file we have to click on “continue” and there open a new box . Now we have to click on “ok” and if there exist same variable in the data sets they are excluded automatically .

adding variable in data set
Include/exclude variable

4. And finally we get the combine data set as below:

combine data set
Final data set

Merge or combing two data set (add case)

What do we mean by add case?

Add case means combing or merge two data set where the variables of the two data set are same and their name also.
suppose we have a data set named “data set1” where the variables are “id”,”gender”,”age”,”gpa”.
and there exist data of 10 students.

spss data set
Data set 1

Again we have 2nd data set named “data set2” where the variables are same as “data set1”

spss data set
Data set 2

Combine two data sets using SPSS

1. At first we have to go to menu bar and select 

               “Data”→”Merge file”→”Add case”
Then there open a new box named “Add cases to data set1” and we have to select “An external spss data file” and click on “Browse” and select the second data set which we want to combine with “data set1″

adding new cases
Adding cases


adding new cases
Adding cases

3. After selecting the target file we have to click on “continue” and there open a new box . Now we have to click on “ok”
Finally our two data set are combined as below:

combine data set in spss
New data set with all cases

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