Data analysis using SPSS (for beginners)-part 1

What is SPSS?

SPSS is a statistical software  which was actually developed as an analysis program for social scientist . Abbreviation of SPSS is Statistical Package for Social Science and now it is modified to Superior Performing Software. Data analysis using SPSS for beginners is an article which helps you understand the basic facts of data analysis using SPSS.

Why we use SPSS to analyze data?

Data analysis using SPSS is very popular because it performs four main tasks:

  • Manipulates and manages data
  • Products reports and table
  • Perform simple and complex statistical analysis
  • Produces graphical output

Mainly there are four window-
              2.output viewer
              3.syntax editor
              4.script windows
There are two interface in data editor.

i. Variable view:
   In this view , we can insert our variable name .

Variable view
Variable view

ii. Data view:
    In this view , we can input our data for our inserted variable.

data view
Data view

How to enter data in SPSS?

We can enter data in SPSS by using two different ways.
  1. Manually 
  2. Import data from excel

Manually entering data:

data analysis using spss
Manually entering data
  • After open spss software , at first we have to write the variable name in the “Name” column.
  • click on “Type” and select the variable type.
  • then we have to write the variable description in the “Label” column.

If we want entering a string variable or nominal data, then we have to select the variable type as “String”

data analysis using spss
Selecting variable type
then we have to go to the “Values” column and click on it. Then we can see a new box named value labels .
value label
Add value labels
Now we have to enter a value on that box and define the value by a label and click “Add”. After adding all values then click “Ok”.
By using above process we can easily entering our data in SPSS manually .

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